Friday, April 12, 2013

Tubular Pineapple

Rita Hutchens taught 2 workshops for our EBHQ guild.  I was fortunate to take the Burst out of the Box workshop on Monday.  Deanna had warned us to be sure to do the homework and she was right.  She had taken the earlier workshop and said one student wasted half of the day getting prepared. We used the full 8 hours of the workshop to learn her technique.  I'm very happy with my final quilt.  Most of the center yellow and brown portion was completed in the 1 day.  She suggested the 60 degree ruler to get the most of the final cut.  Cutting the final long pineapple strip into 8 pieces, I pieced 6 of the pieces into a hexagon.  The last 2 pieces were cut in half to make the 4 corner pieces and completing the center.

 There was a hole in the middle.  I cut out a hexagon from the brown fabric that fit the hole and pieced it in the center.
 If you look closely, the points do not match.  Every side of the center hexagon shows the point of the 6 pineapple strips that were cut.
 The border fabrics started out as a tubular pineapple.  but...  without Rita there to point out my mistake, it did not turn out to be a pineapple.  Oh well.  It looks pretty good as a border.
I used gold thread from Superior to stitch in the ditch.  I like the way the thread sparkles.  The pineapple spines have all been stitched.  There is still the middle to quilt, but I haven't figured out how to quilt that.
Thank you Lily for sharing your pictures from the class.  Thank you Suzi for sharing your class notes.  Even though I completed this project, there are still questions.  My brain just doesn't understand the how did she do that?  Magic of course.  One of Ritas favorite saying is "Bias is your friend"  Every time she said that, I would laugh.  Bias has not been my friend.  But using this technique, it does make very complicated patterns from tubular piecing.  Not super easy.  Bias can be my friend, but like any good friend, I'll have to work at it.